The Growing Danger of Deepfakes To Fuel Real-Life Violence

3 min readAug 26, 2024

The other day, I was watching a movie just having a regular saturday evening. But then, something in the movie made me stop and think.

I suddenly connected the dots with a new technology called deepfakes. Like many other technologies, it has its benefits but one of the new and growing threats is how it can be used to promote violence.

If you have read my earlier article about deepfakes in marketing as you guys already know this technology help to create fake videos that look very real. Companies have started using deepfakes to make convincing ads, and it is clear that this technology is getting better and easier to use.

But here is where things get more worrying. Just think about this:


A group of extremists wants to create a trouble between two communities in a city.

They don’t need to start a war; They just have to spark internal conflict, and the battle will begin.

They create a deepfake video showing a well-known leader from one community making violent and hateful statements against the other. The video looks so real that even people who know the leader may start to believe the video.

