Mastering GitHub for Game Developers: A Complete Guide with Unity

The Complete Guide to Master Github

6 min readMar 21, 2023

GitHub is a really helpful tool that game developers can use to work together more effectively and efficiently. With GitHub, developers can collaborate on projects, manage different versions of their code, and easily keep track of changes. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to use GitHub to keep track of your Unity game development projects. We’ll cover everything from getting started with GitHub to mastering its most advanced features. Additionally, GitHub can also help with version control, which means you can keep track of all the different changes made to your games code over time.

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Step 1: Create a GitHub account

To use GitHub, you first need to create an account. Go to github and click on “Sign up” to create a new account. You can either choose to create a free account or sign up for a paid plan.

Step 2: Create a new repository

Once you have created an account, you can create a new repository to host your Unity game project. Click on the “New repository” button on your GitHub dashboard, and follow the instructions to create a new repository.


Clone your repository

To clone your repository to your local machine, use the Git command:

git clone [repository URL] 

Replace [repository URL] with the URL of your GitHub repository.

For example, this will clone Unity_OpenAI

git clone
Let’s start with basics

Basic Git Commands:

Now that you have your repository set up and cloned to your local machine, it’s time to start using Git. Here are some of the most basic Git commands you need to know:

1. git add

Use thegit add command to add files to the staging area. This command prepares files to be committed to the repository.

For example, if you have a new script you want to commit, you can use the following command:

git add [filename] //Replace [filename] with the name of the file you want to add.

2. git commit

Use thegit commit command to commit your changes to the repository. This command saves your changes to the repository with a commit message that describes the changes you have made.

For example, if you have added a new script, you can use the following command:

git commit -m "Added a new script" //Replace "Added a new script" with a brief message describing your changes.

3. git push

Use the git push command to push your changes to the remote repository on GitHub. This command uploads your committed changes to the GitHub repository.

For example:

git push origin master

This command pushes the changes to the “master” branch of the “origin” repository.

4. git pull

Use thegit pull command to pull changes from the remote repository. This command downloads changes from the GitHub repository to your local repository.

For example:

git pull origin master

This command pulls changes from the “master” branch of the “origin” repository.

Shift + /: Open the keyboard shortcuts menu to see a full list of available shortcuts on GitHub

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Now Let’s Look at Advance Command Now!

Advanced Git Commands:

1. git branch

Use the git branch command to create, list, or delete branches in your repository. This command helps you manage different versions of your code.

For example:

git branch [branchname]

2. git merge

Use the git merge command to merge changes from one branch into another. This command is useful when you want to integrate changes made in a different branch into the current branch.

For example:

git merge [branchname]

This command merges the changes made in the [branchname] branch into the current branch.

3. git stash

Use the git stash command to save changes that are not yet ready to be committed. This command saves your changes to a temporary location, allowing you to switch to a different branch without losing your work. For example:

git stash save "Work in progress"

This command saves your changes with a message “Work in progress”.

4. git revert

Use the git revert command to undo a commit. This command creates a new commit that reverses the changes made in a previous commit. For example:

git revert [commit hash]

This command reverts the changes made in the commit with the specified hash.

Adding a Local Repository to GitHub using Git

Adding a local repository to GitHub using Git can seem like a daunting task, but it is actually a simple process. In this guide will teach you the steps you need to take to add your local repository to GitHub using Git.

Step 1: Initialize the local directory as a Git repository

Use the init command to initialize the local directory as a Git repository. By default, the initial branch is called main.

git init -b main

Step 2: Add the files in your new local repository

Use the add command to add the files in your new local repository. This stages them for the first commit. For example:

git add .

Step 3: Commit the files that you’ve staged in your local repository

Use the commit command to commit the files that you've staged in your local repository. For example:

git commit -m "First commit"

You are now ready to add a Local Repository💻 to GitHub.

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Git V/s GitHub

Difference between Git🤠and GitHub😎?

Git is a version control system that allows you to keep track of changes made to your code over time. It helps you manage different versions of your code and collaborate with others on your team.

GitHub on the other hand, is a web-based hosting service that uses Git for version control. It provides a platform for developers to store and manage their Git repositories online. GitHub offers features like bug tracking, project management, and team collaboration tools to make it easier for developers to work together on projects. Think of it like a social network for developers, where they can share and collaborate on code with other developers.


For game developers who collaborate with others or need to keep track of their code changes, GitHub is a crucial tool. With the above commands, you can easily manage your Unity game development projects on GitHub. This guide covers only the basics of Git commands, but there are many more advanced features you can explore. You can improve your Git knowledge and speed up the game development process with practice.

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