ALL Done with the 2023 YEAR

Rewind 2023: Reflecting on a Year of Growth, Community, and Aspirations

3 min readDec 31, 2023

As we close the curtains on this year, it is a moment to pause and reflect on the progress we have made, the challenges we have overcome, and the aspirations we hold for the future. This year has been a remarkable period of growth, both personally and for our community.

In the words of Ira Glass

Great stories happen to those who can tell them.

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We are proud to share that we have crossed a significant milestone in our journey. With over 35 blog posts penned down this year, we’ve not only improved our writing skills but also connected with a diverse audience. Each post is a lesson for us to improve and a reason to share our thoughts with like-minded people.

We have announced an ambitious challenge — writing one blog each week for two months. This endeavour was not just about consistency but also about pushing our boundaries. It was a test of our commitment.

And we are happy to announce that we have successfully completed this challenge.

Throughout this journey, the most valuable achievement has been the respect, love, and beautiful community we have built. These intangible rewards have been our driving force, reminding us of the impact words can have. However, it is also true that so far, our efforts haven’t translated into financial support, to kept going. Despite being part of the Medium Partner Program, financial rewards have been elusive.

But we remain hopeful. As we are about to enter the next year in a few hours, our goal is to transform our passion for writing into a sustainable writing community. We aim to explore avenues that not only celebrate our creations but also provide benefits to this community. It is about finding a balance between following our passion and providing stability to our community members.

As we look ahead, our commitment to providing you with the best possible content is stronger than ever. We are determined to raise the bar and exceed your expectations in the coming year. Our pledge to you is simple: we will deliver at least high-quality posts each month that are informative, engaging, and entertaining. This is not just a promise, but a commitment that we take very seriously. You can count on us to provide you with the content you deserve, and we can’t wait to show you what we have in store.

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We also want to take a moment to acknowledge some of the individuals that have inspired us:

And a special mention to Google Developers & OpenAI — not a person, but a hub of innovation and inspiration.

Finally, a note to the Medium team to improve the platform

The entire Clubwritter team wishes you Happy New Year. In 2024 we hope you and the people around you will achieve what you and they want.

We want to Leave You with these words of Ira Glass for Next Year:

The best way to do a good job is to love what you do.

